A scientist, girl with a teddy bear, thirteen year old boy, high school girl, middle aged woman, and an athlete in his twenties all walk into a haunted house because reasons.
But no matter how flawed Betrayal at House on the Hill is, I can’t help but love it.īetrayal at House on the Hill is an uneven, unfair, unpredictable B-horror tier mess, but it’s still just so damn good. I’ve yet to play another game the embodies the absurdity of B-tier horror movies as well as Betrayal does.
Maybe it’s nostalgia, maybe it’s Maybelline. Despite how many critically acclaimed games like Gloomhaven, Nemesis, Tainted Grail, Black Rose Wars, and Pandemic Legacy Season 1 end up on my shelf, nothing has come close to dethroning my favorite game. It would be an accurate statement to say that my collection grew fairly rapidly.
That number also excludes all the games I’ve sold to keep my collection at a “healthy size”. In just a couple short years, my collection of board games went from one to seventy-two, excluding expansions.